She will burn your house down

Written by

Melanie Laurent – En T’Attendant

The setup is minimalistic: two thirds assuaging drawl, a teaspoon of scream, and the rest a composed offering of polished frenzy (think watered-down Funeral). The song’s arc forms not in its predictable structure, but in Laurent’s stirring delivery, birthing with scattered syllabic fumbling – vocalised jazz hands – over untranslated verse, soon weaving with choruses made distinct by a change in vocalised approach; a soothing stretch and pull of her words and their poetry – tormenting their mobility. The appeal is in the voice, of course. Sure, there’s enough to be had in the cohesive instrumental: the approachable freely-strummed guitar and the added decoration of pounding piano, timid trumpets, viola, and the confidence of aspiring backing vocals, but it is the vocals, in their palette so dry yet drenched in desire, that proves the adage of the French and their allure.


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