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Phoenix – Girlfriend

Itinerary: Flight SA 203 from Johannesburg to New York. Duration: 18 hours.

Buckle seatbelt.
Order Jack and Coke.
Drink Jack and Coke.
Take off.
Order another.
Rub fingers into temple.
Recline seat.
Look out window.
Order wine.
Drink wine.
Nap off buzz.
Watch Marley & Me.
Order wine.
Spill wine.
Wonder if anyone could possibly love you, considering you can’t even love yourself.
Order Jack and Coke.
Watch 27 Dresses.
Consider if misrepresentation of romance in media is intentional or a byproduct of movies’ accepted narrative form.
Drink Jack and Coke.
Listen to Phoenix.
Wake up with one earbud out and drool in beard.
Order wine.
Drink wine.
Listen to Phoenix.
Unbuckle seatbelt.
Call ride. “Flight was alright.”

[Buy Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix.]

7 Responses to “Itinerary”

  1. Jess says:

    I love this. My experience of flight (having only flown twice, from Australia and England and then back again. Is that once? It took too long to only be once…) was basically the same 🙂 except it was about a year ago and I had Florence & the Machine’s ‘Lungs’ and 500 Days of Summer to chow down and sob and ponder over instead. Oh, and Moon. Almost got into Monty Python but then short attention span and wine took over. Aeroplane wine is repulsive. Yet basically free so…..good times. The Jack and coke was basically the same 😉
    They should not serve you food supposedly from the place you are flying to before you arrive though. The “English breakfast” gave me rather low expectations. Maybe a good thing, in retrospect.

  2. jack P says:

    YEAH PHOENIX! Can never get enough of em. Just got back from Paris via the Eurostar and I’ve got them and this other band, Them:Youth on constant repeat. Vimeo: http://www

  3. Zehan says:

    Zac, I kind of love this on a ‘so-mellow-it’s-barely-recognisable-to-me’ kind of level.

    The lines
    ‘Watch Marley and Me.


    ‘Unbuckle Seatbelt.
    Call ride ‘Flight was Alright’

    shake me up, quietly.

  4. paulklekner says:

    Haha! I feel like i am there on the plane with you! (Except I usually order Blood Mary’s when I’m flying)

    Great song btw. Thanks!


  5. I like the song, but I’m a bit disappointed with Phoenix. I feel a bit let down with this album.

  6. Zac says:


    That bums me out. I feel like I led you astray and should offer you a refund (I’m not going to though). My only suggestions is to get nice and liquored up and then get sentimental watching rom-coms and try again?

  7. dwayne says:

    This is a really interesting remix of Girlfriend – it takes it in the Washed Out direction almost!

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